Fiction For The Adventurous Mystic
Marvelous was poking a hole in the sand where ants had set up home. Caving it in. Sabrina wondered how a spiritual teacher could do such a thing. He felt her judgment and spoke. “Without adversity what is life?
You seem to think adversity is ‘bad’. It can be seen as good. It is said that your own Thomas Edison changed schools because his teacher wrote a letter to his Mom saying he was too smart for regular school. He needed better. In his old age he found the letter from his teacher amoung his mother’s things. She had actually wrote that the boy was expelled because she believed he was too dumb for school.”
Marvelous paused. “Would he have been the great inventor without his mother’s determination to see him schooled properly? Adversity can be seen as good. The trick is to view it properly.
If you are looking for a horse, something you have wanted more than anything, will you be upset when you step in horse manure or will you rejoice at knowing your prize in nearby?
When asked about inventing Edison said, ‘I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.’”
That is the mindset that anyone must program into their personal operating system to achieve anything worthwhile.
What is it you want Sabrina?”
Sabrina looked up from the ants. She felt the fear she always felt when asked this question. Her pattern was to not speak because usually a parent or a friend would then tell her what she wanted and then what she had to do to get it and eventually leave her to it for a while.
She looked back at the ants. They seemed unemotional about the disturbance in their work-space and were simply going about the work of reconstructing their shop while others ventured out to continue bringing food back to the queen ant.
“I want to help others make better lives. I want them to achieve their goals for inner peace and enlightenment.”
She was surprised she even said it. The judgements poured in immediately. Who are YOU to help people with enlightenment…. You are so insecure you can’t stop fantasizing about it and just go do it… She thought, you should have incarnated as an ant and simply did your work without question.
Marvelous heard her thoughts and decided, good idea. The young woman suddenly found herself in an ant body walking the sand tunnels with a bit of food in her mouth. All she knew was to get this to the queen ant and get back out there to collect more. It felt strong, clear, emotionally unattached, like a knowing. It felt good. No conflicting thoughts.
Sand from Marvelous’ stick caved in the sands tunnel and her ant legs and arms kept moving through. There were no doubts, self-criticisms or self-attacks to derail her. She loved the feeling in fact.
Never in her adult life was she this clear. She had purpose and determination without question. What a relief. At that moment, she was back in her body looking down at the sand.
She looked up at Marvelous. “I….. that was amazing. I can feel how it would feel to work toward my objective.”
“Really,” Marvelous said. “No stopping to cry that the avalanche of sand ruined your food for the queen ant?”
Sabrina began laughing as if the idea was up surd. She noticed it was a child-like, happy laugh. Like life could be what she had always dreamed it could be.
He continued his teaching. “Once you have your intention locked-in like the ants knowing, you can simply go around obstacles and proceed with your clear intention.
Unlike the aunts, humans have infinite possible obstacles and opportunities. But they also have a Can of Infinite Soup in their being ready to create infinite possible, obstacles, barriers or drams to continuing-on. Blame being a favorite among humans.
However, from these infinite possibilities are billions of creative ways to turn yourself back into the direction of your objective. That is the amazing infinity of being human.”
He stopped to look up. “Will you be happy with the outcome?
That’s your choice as well. Can you tweak the outcome to have more applaud for yourself or adjust it to instead have a very humble service to others only kind of’ outcome? Of course. And a million things in between.
Human experience is not black or white. But humans try to simplify it for emotional comfort. I can’t do it because of the (fill in the blank). It’s comfortable to fail. Actually, it is insanity.
A billion dollar super computer does not even compare to what a human consciousness can do. And yet humans use it only for basic survival, filling their self with addictions to avoid feeling their greatness and keeping up appearances to avoid being criticized. Everything is in avoidance to something – all this is so distantly hiding from the question I ask you…
What do you want?
Once you feel it, are you willing to nurture it, to keep the flame of it’s enthusiastic fire burning strong?”